Monthly Archives: June 2022

Factors affecting WIP (3)

So, bearing in mind everything that we know about agile teams, velocity and their ability to work as a feature team (or not) – what can we learn from concepts such as queuing theory that we can take on board in order to improve our understanding of WIP? Looking back to 2014 I wrote a […]

Factors affecting WIP (2)

Velocity is a key metric for an agile team but when considering WIP it may give us a “limit” for the team but we still need to take into account whether several team members can work on a story and the story size. We may have a true agile “feature team” where any team member […]

Factors affecting WIP (1)

Recently I’ve been blogging about flow and it made me remember all of the years (see first post below from 2013!) that I’ve discussed Work In Progress (WIP) with teams. I would say that WIP was one of the first metrics that I worked with teams as a way to improve the consistency of their […]