Monthly Archives: July 2020

Agile and change – changes that affect the MVP (2)

In the last post I described three scenarios where we need to carefully assess and act where a change can affect the MVP The situation has become more critical and our Product Owner is now saying that Features E and F have to be “Must Have” in our payload. Additional work is required for Feature […]

Agile and change – changes that affect the MVP (1)

In the last post we imagined a scenario where we’d agreed an outline plan for our release, used a release balanced calculation to generate confidence in our ability to deliver (see Calculating The Release Payload (6) – Achieving a balanced release payload) and then after a few iterations we’re under pressure to alter prioritization of payload […]

Agile and change – changes that don’t affect MVP

Remember in the previous post I wrote that our Product Owner is clearly positioning features X, Y and Z to be our minimum viable product (MVP) – these features will combine to provide the functionality for a compelling reason to buy or upgrade to this product release. We’ve been working on the release for a […]